Innovation eXelleration Project



Preparing the Children and Youths for the 4th Industrial Revolution

Africans Preventing Poverty Foundation and Thinkers Theatre and Empowerment Centre are two non-profit, non-governmental and non-political voluntary organization registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in the forefront of programs for the empowerment, raising developmental potentials and impacting the lives of the youths, women, and children to enable them to lead adequate and self-sustainable life in the society.

Our Mandate is to assist the Nigerian society in reforming, restructuring, and rebuilding Nigerian children, women, and youths towards sustainability and strength of character to close the existing gap, reduce poverty, inequality, and illiteracy via empowerment.

Outlined in this proposal is a Programme to advance towards the attainment of these goals.

Problem Statement

The Humanitarian and Economic Crisis caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) continues to worsen the global and domestic economic life of individuals and businesses. Interventions are required to assist individuals and businesses recover from the Pandemic and the onus lie on the government and policymakers to determine and implement what will best remedy the situation.

In view of this human welfare and human capital, development must be given the utmost priority. Doing this entails helping individuals to retain their existing employment or assisting them to acquire new skills to get new jobs or establish small scale businesses for self-sustainability. Setting up and implementing workforce development and skills acquisition schemes represent a cardinal means of achieving this objective.

More so, the world is advancing towards the 4th Industrial Revolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, 3D Printing, and Internet of Things (IoT) making the challenge of preparing the workforce with the knowledge and skills needed in the emerging world to become increasingly vital.

Education, training, job creation, supportive policies remain areas where the country can position it’s growing youthful workforce as transformation agents in the evolving technological revolution.

Justification of the Project

     The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought to the fore the need to develop the Innovation ecosystem of the country because the accompanying lockdown has made it clear that digital skills and innovative solutions is the new normal.

Provision of Vocational and Skills training with a bias for tech skills will go a long way in stemming the tide of the COVID-19 induced increasing unemployment and reduction in poverty as it aids to enhance employability, self-sustainability, and entrepreneurial development which are building blocks of national economic growth and development.

This is has become imperative as the world prepares for the Fourth Industrial Revolution driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), 3D Printing, and Robotics and because these children and youths are part of the society and expectedly understand the systems, they will be better positioned to create innovative solutions that are best-fit for their various communities.


Project Goals

The overarching goals of this project are to achieve the following:


Eradicate Poverty, Unemployment and social vices


Exposing youths to knowledge and skills that will aid creativity and innovativeness through the teaching of technical skills that makes them fit into future workforce skills requirement.


Enable youths to identify business opportunities that can aid self-sustainability, provide employment for others, and aid economic growth and development.



Project Activities

The activities for this project are focused on Vocational and Skills Development Training in the following areas Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Digital Analytics, App Development, solar technology, graphics, animation, and Programming and other vocational skills peculiar to each community.

Project Benefits

The benefits derivable from this project is the creation of an army of tech-savvy and entrepreneurial youth population ready for the challenges of the evolving fourth industrial revolution.

Budget (36 States and FCT) 

Description Unit Price (USD$) Quantity Amount (USD$)
Training Cost per Head 526 18,500                  9,736,842.11
Project Personnel Costs -Facilitation 5 per state 395 185                        73,026.32
Transport and Logistics 4,868 37                      180,131.58
Provision for refreshments (3 Months) 263  20,000                  5,263,157.89
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Follow-up 4,684 37                      173,315.79
Training Materials 13 18,500                      243,421.05
Provision for post Training Support & Empowerment 132 18,500                  2,434,210.53


Securing the future and welfare of Nigerian citizens and human capital must be paramount as countries consider a plethora of post-COVID-19 interventions aimed at engendering economic recovery. This project proactively kickstarts the interventions in the Niger Delta Region.