COVID -19 Education Support Project



Developing and Protecting the Next Generation of Change Agents, Business Leaders, Scientists, Doctors and Caregivers.

Africans Preventing Poverty Foundation and Thinkers Theatre and Empowerment Centre are two non-profit, non-governmental and non-political voluntary organization registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in the forefront of programs for the empowerment, raising developmental potentials and impacting the lives of the youths, women, and children to enable them to lead adequate and self-sustainable life in the society.
Our Mandate is to assist the Nigerian society in reforming, restructuring, and rebuilding Nigerian children, women, and youths towards sustainability and strength of character to close the existing gap, reduce poverty, inequality, and illiteracy via empowerment.
Problem Statement
The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVIC -19) has greatly impacted the educational sector with an estimated 1.725 billion (99.9% of the global student population) learners affected as a result of the schools’ closure, (UNESCO, 2020). Technology and digital platforms are being deployed globally to ensure continuity of learning and education.
Nigeria faces enormous challenges in taking advantage of these digital platforms due to the following problems.
  • Inadequate access to technology and educational resources,
  • The dearth of digital skills amongst teachers, students, parents, and caretakers.
  • None availability of virtual learning programs by most schools (especially public schools)
  • Low internet/digital penetration coupled with unreliable power supply
  • Boredom and despondency accessioned by the lockdown which has created potentials for mental imbalance and unhappiness as can be seen in the increasing incidence of juvenile delinquencies and other social vices
These situations will further exacerbate and magnify the growing education inequality in Nigeria as learning will be restricted to only those with access to digital learning resources leaving out the majority of the population without education for a long time. To stem this tide, education materials must be made available to the most impacted communities.
Justification of the Project
The 13.2 million out of school children in Nigeria have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic further magnifying the educational inequality in the country. Through the School Support Programme, we will ensure continued learning during this pandemic by providing self-help and Do-it-Yourself (DIY) learning resources to those who are starved of access to formal education or lacks the resources to afford one. In doing this, we will ensure that the universal and fundamental rights to education are assured for a large portion of the population while at the same time reversing the injustice of illiteracy and ultimately restoring the lost school time as a result of the pandemic.
Project Goals Eradicating Poverty via the Empowerment of Children, Women, and Youths (SDG 1) Life Skills and Livelihood Skills Development (SDG 8)
Encouragement of Gender Equality in Education (SDG 5) Developing skills and interest in STEM education (SDG 4) Promoting Public Health and Hygiene (SDG 3)

Project Activities

The activities for this project are focused on developing the Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective domains of the out-of-school children.


Aptitude Development

Distribution of Books and Learning Resources (workbooks, personal development books, and self-enhancing books)

Creative Learning Development

DIY Books and Learning Resources on Art and Craft, Skills Acquisition, Information Technology, and Creativity enhancing activities



Self-Help and Mental Health Management

DIY Puppet Makers, Board Games, Healthy Living Tips, and First Aid Kits with instruction manuals


Project Benefits

The realizable benefits of the project are classified into short, medium, and long – term periods as follows:

Short -Term Medium Term Long -Term
*Immediate Restoration of Lost school Hours


*Completion of Missed Curriculum


*Learning of Livelihood Skills

*Stimulation of Creativity


*Creating an army of innovators


*Improvement in Mental Health and Hygiene

*Engendering Self-Learning and Self-Sustainability


*Creation of Tech Savvy Children and Youths


*Reduction in Education Inequality and Illiteracy


Budget (36 States and FCT)

Description Quantity Cost (USD$) Amount (USD$)
Preliminary Sensitization, Social Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement 37 5,263.16 194,736.84
Training Per Head 37,000 658 24,342,105.26
Transport and Logistics 37 4,473.68 165,526.32
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Follow-up 37 4,736.84 175,263.16


Bridging the education gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is a task that must be taken seriously and the solutions we provide are not unique and pleasant they are proactive and a strong demonstration of resilience with positive implications for the future of Nigeria.